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Get answers to your most common dental questions

We want to do everything we can to communicate with you clearly and conveniently.

That’s why we have included this section of frequently asked questions and our answers. Simply click the question to reveal the answer. If you have a question that is not addressed here, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

My implant seems loose.2020-05-01T04:25:37+00:00

Avoid the area and call for the next available appointment.

What should I do if my temporary crown comes off or it breaks?2020-05-01T04:25:02+00:00

First of all, call our office as soon as possible. We may be able to tell you how to put a temporary back on yourself with Vaseline. And if a temporary breaks, we need to see you as soon as possible to replace it. Leaving a temporary crown off for more than a couple of days may affect the fit of the permanent crown.

I have pain in my tooth when I bite on something hard.2020-05-01T04:24:22+00:00

You may have a cracked tooth. Pain on release of biting pressure is a strong indication of cracked tooth syndrome. Crown treatment is indicated to prevent the crack from extending deeper into the tooth, possibly resulting in a root canal or tooth removal. Call our office as soon as possible.

I just had a tooth removed and the site is still bleeding. What should I do?2020-05-01T04:23:47+00:00

Take a piece of moist gauze rolled up and bite down on it with pressure on the site for 45 minutes. If bleeding continues, try biting on a moist tea bag until bleeding stops. If heavy bleeding persists for more than 2 hours call our office or after hours number.

I have a metallic taste in my mouth.2020-05-01T04:23:11+00:00

A metallic taste in your mouth usually means you have a leaking silver filling. You may want to schedule an examination to evaluate your old fillings.

I have new fillings and my teeth don’t seem to fit together well2020-05-05T16:05:00+00:00

You may need to schedule for a bite adjustment. Continuing to eat with an ill-fitting bite can cause tooth sensitivity (cold or pressure) or pain.

My tooth is sensitive to cold2020-05-01T04:21:56+00:00

Many things can cause cold sensitivity in teeth: Gum recession, recent fillings, trauma to the tooth (biting down on hard or crunchy food), bleaching, and others. Cold sensitivity can be temporary. If it persists for more than 2-3 weeks, call for an appointment and avoid very cold liquids and food.

What should I do if a tooth is knocked out during an accident?2020-05-01T04:20:43+00:00

Remain calm. If your child’s tooth is knocked out during office hours, but there is no imminent medical emergency such as uncontrolled bleeding, unconsciousness, or other bodily injury, please contact us immediately [480.899.6677]. Do not scrub or wash the tooth; simply place it in a container of milk, saline or tooth preservative [available at a pharmacy or emergency room]. See a dentist as soon as possible, preferably within 30 minutes. Don’t forget to take the tooth with you. With prompt attention, a permanent tooth may be reimplanted into the tooth socket and remain normal and healthy.

What should I do in the case of a dental emergency?2020-05-01T04:19:29+00:00

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, please contact our office right away. If you call after hours, our voice mail system will provide you with the proper contact number and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Will I need a crown after the root canal is finished?2020-05-01T04:18:39+00:00

Yes, we recommend that posterior teeth (Bicuspids and Molars) have crowns to avoid the possibility of fracturing the tooth during chewing. You will need to return to our office for placement of this crown.

After my dental appointment, what can I eat, and when?2020-05-01T04:17:24+00:00

You may eat and drink anything you want. Please be sure the anesthetic has worn off before trying to eat foods that require chewing. Due to the normal soreness, you will probably more comfortable chewing on the opposite side for 24 to 48 hours. You will want to avoid hard foods such as ice, nuts, candy and even some chips.

How can the tooth hurt if its nerve is gone after a root canal?2020-05-01T04:16:40+00:00

The inner, damaged tissue of your tooth has been removed during the root canal treatment. However, your tooth is still very much alive on the outside. Your pain comes from having had an infection and/or inflammation in the bone along the outside of the tooth. Medication will control this; time will heal it.

I know I will be numb after the procedure, but will my tooth hurt after the numbness goes away?2020-05-05T16:05:43+00:00
What are laminate veneers?2020-05-01T04:15:23+00:00

A veneer is a very thin piece of porcelain glass that fits over your natural tooth. Usually, a small amount of your natural tooth is removed and the veneer is bonded to the tooth to replace the missing tooth structure. Veneers can change the shape and color of your teeth, and correct rotated, overlapped or crooked teeth in some cases. A complete evaluation is necessary prior to treatment.

I want whiter teeth, can you help me?2020-05-01T04:14:41+00:00

Yes we can! There are a number of procedures available to help whiten your smile, from at-home bleaching products to in-office supervised ‘power bleaching’. Drs. Tom & Grace can help evaluate your potential for whitening your teeth, based on their current color and the causes of any discoloration. Once you have decided on the most appropriate method, you’ll probably spend anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks undergoing a series of simple whitening treatments. Most patients can expect to end up with teeth approximately 2 shades brighter on the dental shade chart.

If you’re happy with the shape and position of your teeth, and simply wish they were whiter, we offer two methods of teeth whitening. Opalescence is a take-home whitening system that utilizes custom-fit trays, worn over the teeth with whitening solution inside. This process generally takes about 2 weeks. Or, if you want results faster, we can do an accelerated in office bleaching treatment in approximately I hour. We will also include the custom-fit trays with the in office bleaching at no additional cost.

My spouse snores and keeps me up all night. What can you do?2020-05-01T04:13:12+00:00

We offer the Snore Guard dental appliance in our office. This device is made by our dental lab on models of your spouse’s teeth. We will answer any questions you may have and show you what it can do at your next dental visit.

Do I really have to floss every day?2020-05-01T04:11:57+00:00

When you brush your teeth, the toothbrush is unable to clean your teeth on the “in between” surfaces. Where your teeth touch each other is very important to clean because that is where flossing cavities and gum disease usually start. Flossing on a daily basis helps prevent gum disease and painful, bleeding gums.

My breath stinks and I brush everyday, is it just me or is there something you can to help?2020-05-01T04:11:18+00:00

Along with helping you make sure you are brushing and flossing correctly, we offer prescription breath treatments that are proven to reduce bad breath. We can work with you on finding out the causes and hopefully eliminate your problem.

I really don’t like visiting the dentist, is there anything you can do to help me relax?2020-05-05T16:04:18+00:00

We offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to our patients and in some cases can prescribe other medications to help you relax. We also allow our patients to watch their favorite television show or DVD while we are taking care of their teeth.

Is it bad if my gums bleed after I brush my teeth?2020-05-01T03:39:41+00:00

Bleeding gums can be a sign of a more serious problem such as gum disease, systemic disease or a nutritional deficiency. It is very important that we examine you on a regular basis to prevent any of these problems. We will also show you how to keep your teeth healthy at home to prevent any bleeding or swelling.

When should my children have their first dental checkup?2020-05-01T03:39:10+00:00

We usually start seeing children for their checkup visits at around age 3. The earlier we can introduce your children to dental health, the more comfortable they will become. They will also learn how to develop good dental habits that will keep their teeth healthy for a lifetime! If you notice any discoloration, broken teeth, pain, or other problems, of course we will want to examine them earlier. We may refer you to a pedodontist (child specialist) if we feel your child would be more comfortable.

Why did the insurance company lower your fee?2020-05-01T03:38:13+00:00

You may receive an Explanation of Benefits(EOB) from your insurance company stating dental fees are higher than usual and customary or in excess of the plan allowance. The insurance company will determine the usual and customary fee by taking a 10-40% discount off the average fee in a geographic area. They will never say “our benefits are too low”.

How do the doctors keep up to date on all of the current techniques and materials?2020-05-01T03:00:07+00:00

Drs. Tom & Grace review the latest industry journals to keep tabs on research and development in the dental industry. They are actively involved in continuing their education and updating materials and equipment on a regular basis. Attending several continuing education seminars yearly and memberships in local, state, and national dental organizations allows them to remain informed of the best dental techniques. They are committed to providing quality, comfortable, dental care using the latest materials and equipment.

What precautions do you take to ensure patient safety?2020-05-01T02:59:28+00:00

Our entire practice team is well versed in state-of-the-art sanitation techniques designed to ensure patient safety. First, about 90% of the materials we use for patient care are disposable– used only once and then discarded. Those items that can’t be disposed are heat-sterilized to kill ALL bacteria and viruses. Second, the treatment room water supply is completely self-contained. We don’t use tap water due to the presence of minerals and impurities; we purchase distilled water for use in every operatory. We meet and exceed all infection control guidelines. We are committed to providing safe and healthy dental care to all of our patients and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

What makes you different than any other dental practice I can visit?2020-05-01T02:58:52+00:00

Chandler Dental Health is a state of the art office with a beautiful second story view of the Ocotillo lakes at the SWC of Queen Creek and Alma School Roads. Drs. Tom & Grace met in dental school and moved to Chandler to raise their family. They live a mile from the office and enjoy working with a fun and friendly staff Monday through Friday each week. The office hours are convienent for early and late appointments, and we work through lunch so you won’t have to!

What different payment options do you provide?2020-05-01T02:57:18+00:00

We offer several payment options:

• Cash or check
• Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express
• Care Credit interest free financing (O.A.C.)

We also offer a 5% bookkeeping discount for prepayment of treatment exceeding $500. Insurance co-pay and annual deductibles will be collected at the time of service. Our office will gladly file your insurance claim electronically.

Do you accept referrals?2020-05-01T02:56:35+00:00

Our office enthusiastically welcomes referrals from our patients. The best compliment you can give is to trust us with the care of your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. Thank you for your support.

Do you accept my insurance plan?2020-05-01T02:55:44+00:00

Our practice accepts most major insurance plans. For additional information, simply call our office and we will be happy to research your specific plan. We will be happy to discuss the particulars of your coverage with you prior to any treatment.

What can I anticipate happening during my initial visit?2020-05-01T02:54:58+00:00

During your first visit, our goal is to get to know you, clearly understand your dental health condition, and determine the best plan for any required treatments. So we’ll spend time asking you questions about your primary dental concerns as well as your medical and dental histories. Our comprehensive oral exam includes an oral cancer screening, TMJ analysis, detailed periodontal evaluation, diagnostic x-rays, digital photos and charting of existing dental conditions. Dr. Giacobbi will review treatment options and answer your questions so you can make an informed decision about your dental health.

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